Quality Education STET - Sengamala Thayaar Educational Trust Women's College




  • Biochemistry is an advanced course which forms the basis for other fields like Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Biotechnology and Molecular biology. The Department offers UG, PG and research programmes including M.Phil and Ph.D. The UG programme of Biochemistry was introduced in the year 1995-1996 and Twenty six batches including 1269 Under Graduate students have passed out of institution with flying colours. This includes 129 University ranks and 10 gold medals including Part I. The Department offers Post Graduate programme since 1998 and 703 PG students have passed out with first class and 140 students with University ranks including 8 gold metals. M.Phil programme was started in the year 2002 and so far 150 scholars have successfully completed the programme. The Biochemistry Department is also a recognized research centre for Ph.D (Part Time and Full Time) Programme since 2011, and 12 Ph.D., Scholars have registered their Ph.D. Among them 09 members have successfully completed their research and awarded doctoral degree and 03 candidates are currently pursuing their research.
Vision, Mission & Objectives of Biochemistry Department
  • Imparting quality education in Biochemistry to make the students to document the biological resources with scientific validation so as to enhance the quality of life.
  • To provide a learning environment to the students to understand, analyze and augment the basic analytical skills in Biochemistry.
  • To expose the students and make them well versed in the various biochemical processes and update their knowledge and skills in advanced biochemical techniques.
  • To educate the students with the basic principles, concepts and applications in Biochemistry
  • To motivate the students to explore the  natural biological resources with scientific validation
Programmes Offered
S. No. Programmes Offered Year of Establishment
1 B. Sc., Biochemistry 1995-96
2 M. Sc., Biochemistry 1998-99
3 M.Phil., Biochemistry 2002-03
4 Ph.D., Biochemistry 2011-12
Faculty Details
S. No. Name of the Programmes Beneficiaries
1. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Techniques Students from Any Discipline
Research Activities
E Content Details
Alumni Details