Quality Education STET - Sengamala Thayaar Educational Trust Women's College




Vision, Mission & Objectives of Economics Department
  • To become a Centre for Advanced Studies in theoretical and applied Economics, Serving the cause of uplifting the rural women students.
  • Provide quality education and research facilities in Economics for women.
  • Inculcating confidence in women students regarding their own potential to become economically independent workforce and equal partner in social transformation.
  • Engaging in policy oriented research, advocating and promoting efficiency, equity and competitiveness.
  • To offer ‘the light giving’ and ‘Fruit – bearing’ Graduation Program.
  • To Provide ICT enabled teaching learning process.
  • To Motivate the Students to excel in knowledge.
Programmes Offered
S. No. Programmes Offered Year of Establishment
1 BA.,ECONOMICS 1995-96
2 MA.,ECONOMICS 1998-99
Faculty Details
S.No MoU Between Department involved  Signed date Date of Expiry Activity
1 Scientific Research Association for Economics and Finance (SRAEF), Chennai. Department of Economics 13.07.2018 12.07.2023 Awareness test for students, Seminars, Students development work
2 Society for Community organization and People’s Education, Tiruchirappalli Department of Economics 02.11.2022 01.11.2027 Students Projects, Research development work, seminars.
3 Ever Green Rural Development Trust, Pattukkottai Department of Economics 20.01.2023 09.01.2028 Students Projects, Research development work, seminars
Department Activities
Extension Activities
Students Achievements
1 CB18A 065054 M. Anitha II
2 CB18A 065060 R. Divya Bharathi III
3 CB18A 065096 M. Rethika IV
4 CB18A 065106 I. Thirumagal VII
5 CB18A 065103 S. Sowndharya VIII
6 CB18A 065108 S. Vaishnavi X
7 CB18A 065095 N. Ramya XI
8 CB18A 065059 B. Chitra XII
9 CB18A 065097 R. Saranya XIII
10 CB18A 065081 M. Mounsiya XIV
11 CB18A 065055 S. Anushiya XV
12 CB18A 065107 P. Umabharathi XVII
13 CB18A 065099 P. Sathiya XVIII
14 CB18A 065094 K. Ramya XX
Rank holders (2021-2022)
S.No Reg.No Name of the student Rank
1 CB19a 066000 Vaishnavi .M 1
2 CB19a 065963 Jasira .J.B. 3
3 CB19a 065989 Sharmila. D 4
4 CB19a 066004 Vidhya. C 5
5 CB19a 065988 Sathya. P 6
6 CB19a 065982 Priyadharshini J 7
7 CB19a 065990 Sinthamani. V 9
8 CB19a 065957 Deepika.P 10
9 CB19a 065955 Aravindham. R 11
10 CB19a 065965 Karthika. M 11
11 CB19a 065973 Maheswari. M 12
12 CB19a 065986 Sakitha. S 13
13 CB19a 065970 Kowalya . S 14
14 CB19a 065977 Oviya. L 14
15 CB19a 065984 Rajasree .J 15
16 CB19a 065959 Gayathri. K 16
17 CB19a 065961 Iswarya. S 17
18 CB19a 065993 Sneka. S 18
19 CB19a 065962 Janani. R 19
20 CB19a 065976 Nivedhini. R 20