Quality Education STET - Sengamala Thayaar Educational Trust Women's College

Seed Money

The Management of STET Women’s College is dedicated to the promotion of scientific research and propagation of new knowledge to the society and is supporting research in tune with the concept that the best teaching colleges in the world have a strong research component. Relevant research projects provide a good opportunity for teachers to keep abreast of developments in their respective fields of competence and interest. Often, however, funds needed for research are not easily available, or have been applied for funding agencies, but there is a delay in obtaining these funds. Sometimes there is need to support preliminary work that is expected to grow into a sizeable research project which will be submitted to an external funding organization later. For this research seed money is needed. In view of this and to promote the research culture among the faculty and help them in their scientific pursuit, the College Management has instituted a Seed Money Fund. Seed Money Scheme (SMS), sponsored by STET Women’s College, Sundarakottai, Mannargudi, aims to promote research and innovation amongst faculty. Seed Money Grants Program supports selected scholarly and creative activities of faculty. Seed funding under this scheme is to be used to initiate/continue the research work of the faculty. The main objective of the scheme is to accelerate the possibility to receive the financial support from external agencies in future.
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