Inculcating value system with social, cultural, economic and cultural realities at the local, national and global level.
Teaching is a process in which one individual teaches or instructs another individual. Teaching is considered the act of imparting instructions to the learners inside and outside the classroom situation. The teaching and learning process is the part and parcel of the education system. The whole education system depends on the aims and objectives of the teaching & learning process.
Learning may be defined as any relatively permanent change in behaviour or behavioural pattern. Various perspectives on learning have emerged – behaviourist, cognitivist and constructivist.
Diversity of learners in respect of their background, abilities and other personal attributes will influence the extent of their learning. The teaching-learning modalities of the institution are rendered to be relevant for the learner group. The learner-centered education through appropriate methodologies such as participative learning, experiential learning and collaborative learning modes, facilitate effective learning. Teachers provide a variety of learning experiences, including individual and collaborative learning. Interactive and participatory approaches, if employed, create a feeling of responsibility in learners and makes learning a process of construction of knowledge. Of late, digital resources for learning have become available and this makes learning more individualized, creative and dynamic. Quality of learning provided in the institution depends largely on teacher readiness to draw upon such recently available technology supports and also the initiative to develop such learning resources to enrich teaching learning; on teacher’s familiarity with Learning Management Systems (LMSs), other eresources available and how to meaningfully incorporate them in one’s scheme of teaching-learning. Initiatives have been made towards tutorial system and remedial teaching for the weaker students which could be further strengthened. The teaching-learning process is strengthened through periodical seminars, field visits, intensive laboratory courses,Internship, Group project for UG Programmes and compulsory project work for all the PG programmes.
In order to facilitate an easy transition from School to College environment, Bridge Courses are offered toall the first year students to all the Departments. Toenhance the Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills of the learners the special spoken English classes were conducted .
‘Teacher quality’ is a composite term to indicate the quality of teachers in terms of qualification of the faculty, teacher characteristics, the adequacy of recruitment procedures, faculty availability, professional development and recognition of teaching abilities. Teachers take initiative to learn and keep abreast of the latest developments, to innovate, continuously seek improvement in their work and strive for individual and institutional excellence. Teachers use ICT enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process
The college academic calendar is prepared well in advance before the commencement of the yeardistributed to all the staff and students and is made available on the college website. It Comprises of List of Teaching & Non-Teaching staff, Library, Vision, Mission & Objectives of the college, history, Courses offered, Components of CIA, Fee regulation, Scholarships, Attendance, Code of conduct,hostel rules & regulations, number of working days and their day order, last working day for each Semester, Internal tests (I, II ,III, CIA test), CIA marks Publication, celebrations and Examination schedule and are strictly adhered to. Faculty prepare the preference-based workload, timetable and lesson plans for each paper in advance and submit them to the Principal and the HODs for approval which are periodically monitored to check the progress of syllabus completion.
The college academic calendar is prepared well in advance before the commencement of the yeardistributed to all the staff and students and is made available on the college website. It Comprises of List of Teaching & Non-Teaching staff, Library, Vision, Mission & Objectives of the college, history, Courses offered, Components of CIA, Fee regulation, Scholarships, Attendance, Code of conduct,hostel rules & regulations, number of working days and their day order, last working day for each Semester, Internal tests (I, II ,III, CIA test), CIA marks Publication, celebrations and Examination schedule and are strictly adhered to. Faculty prepare the preference-based workload, timetable and lesson plans for each paper in advance and submit them to the Principal and the HODs for approval which are periodically monitored to check the progress of syllabus completion.
The college academic calendar is prepared well in advance before the commencement of the yeardistributed to all the staff and students and is made available on the college website. It Comprises of List of Teaching & Non-Teaching staff, Library, Vision, Mission & Objectives of the college, history, Courses offered, Components of CIA, Fee regulation, Scholarships, Attendance, Code of conduct,hostel rules & regulations, number of working days and their day order, last working day for each Semester, Internal tests (I, II ,III, CIA test), CIA marks Publication, celebrations and Examination schedule and are strictly adhered to. Faculty prepare the preference-based workload, timetable and lesson plans for each paper in advance and submit them to the Principal and the HODs for approval which are periodically monitored to check the progress of syllabus completion.
Evaluation The performance of a student in each Course is evaluated in terms of percentage of marks with a provision for conversion to grade points. Evaluation for each Course shall be done by a continuous internal assessment (CIA) by the Course teacher concerned as well as by an end semester examination and will be consolidated at the end of the semester. The components for continuous internal assessment are:
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA):
UG – Distribution of CIA Marks
Passing Minimum: 40 %
Assisgnment-3 | = | 30% |
Test-3 (Best 2 out of 3) | = | 50% |
Seminar | = | 10% |
Attendance | = | 10% |
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA):
PG – Distribution of CIA Marks
Passing Minimum: 50 %
Assisgnment-3 | = | 30% |
Test-3 (Best 2 out of 3) | = | 50% |
Seminar | = | 10% |
Attendance | = | 10% |
Outcome-Based Education(OBE) is adopted and implemented by the institution to meet stated goals and objectives for holistic student development. Programme Outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcome (PSOs) and Course outcomes(COs) are correlated with the Vision ,Mission of the college and the Departments. The POs, PSOs and COs for each programme are framed by the respective department faculty members and sent along with syllabi to external subject experts for suggestions and finalized in Board of Studies.
All the efforts of teachers and the institution to make learning a meaningful process can be considered impactful only to the extent students perceive it to be meaningful. Their satisfaction level is decided by the kinds of experiences they undergo, the extent of the “comfort” feeling as well as intellectual stimulation the learning situations provide. Their feedback significantly showcases the actual quality of teaching learning process enabling identification of the strengths of teaching as well as the possible improvements. Student satisfaction, thus, is a direct indicator of the effectiveness of teaching learning in the institution. A feedback survey to assess the student’s satisfaction on the curriculum, teaching, learning, student support and infrastructure was made. Every year student satisfactory survey was conducted and displayed in the college website.
Bridge courses are conducted at the beginning of the academic year, to bridge the gap among the students with respect to technical and soft skills and bring them on par with one another.
Certificate Courses are aimed at bridging the gap between the mainstream curriculum and the changing industry needs.
Experts and eminent personalities from industries, academicians, senior executives and business persons are regularly invited to interact with the students and share their expertise and experience.
Presentations by students on subject – related as well as general topics form a part of our co-curricular activities, as these enhance their interpersonal communication skills and help to develop their overall personality.
Apart from classroom presentations and discussions, students make paper presentations. The soft skills of the students receive a focus in such activities.
Apart from regular assignments in core subjects, research assignments are also given to advanced learners, which require the students to refer to various sources of information including textbooks, journals, magazines and the internet, to develop their research aptitude and deepen their understanding of the subject.
Sessions like Corporate Expectations, HR Skills, Goal Setting, Career Development, How to Face an Interview etc., are conducted to make the students employable. These programmes help the students equip themselves with the skills expected by the industry.
Classes are held after the college working hours to help out those students who require further assistance and guidance in their learning process.
In order to enable the students face real VIVA sessions effectively, a mock Viva is conducted. This serves as a rehearsal for the students, helping them to perform better.
To help students equip themselves with soft skills and to improve their subject knowledge, mock interview sessions are conducted. Apart from enlightening them in the domain areas, these sessions also fine tune their personality. The lecturers who conduct these mock interviews focus on students’ gestures, communication and attitude.
Sessions are held to help students prepare impressive projects. The college provides internship and students are given an opportunity to sign up with come up with quality project reports.
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Admission opens for the Academic Year 2025 – 2026
Admission opens for the Academic Year 2025 – 2026